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FAQs at
Great Life Chiropractic & Wellcare Centre

How much will it cost and how long does it take?

Your first visit will last around 1 hour, and regular visits last less than 10 minutes. Your initial consultation and examination will cost $120, including your first adjustment. Regular visits are $55. X-ray services are extra.

What about insurance?

  • Manitoba Health partially subsidizes your first 7 visits in Manitoba.
  • MPI (or Autopac) will fully support Manitoba drivers injured in automobile accidents up to 40 visits and in some cases, beyond.
  • Workers’ Compensation Board supports injured workers with chiropractic care, typically between 8 and 14 weeks, with supported claims.
  • We direct bill for Veteran’s Affairs as well as RCMP chiropractic claims.
  • We would be happy to help those with extended benefits by billing their insurance directly when possible, or by providing receipts when needed.

Will an adjustment hurt?

Our patients’ typical responses to our adjustments are “is that all?”. We offer the most gentle, compassionate care with our focus entirely on you and your healing potential, so trust us when we say, “it’s a breeze!”.

Once I visit, do I have to become a lifelong patient of chiropractic?

We believe chiropractic care is a strategy for your best health and healing potential. Are you happy only with immediate relief? I think we’re all looking for greatness in our life and that’s what we’re here for. It cannot be achieved in a single day; it has to be worked on to allow your health and life to evolve over time. While it’s always up to you, we hope you choose to visit us regularly.

Contact Great Life Chiropractic & Wellcare Centre

Still not sure if you are a good candidate for chiropractic care? Get started today with a complimentary consultation at Great Life Chiropractic & Wellcare Centre. Call us at (204) 254-5555.

FAQs at Great Life Chiropractic & Wellcare Centre | (204) 254-5555